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ATM Exchange Ensuring Reliable Inventory and Money Flow for Consignment Funders

Our risk management framework ensures peace of mind for Consignment Funders, motivates Sellers, and provides a secure and transparent platform for hassle-free Consignment Deals. 

Title and Ownership

Consigned Merchandise title and ownership remain with the Consignment Funder until sold

Compliance Checking

Thorough screening and due diligence of Sellers ensure efficient and effective sales

Turnover Assessment

Maintain safe Sales Turnover to Consigned Merchandise Ratio to minimize over-financing risk

Inventory Release

Release of Consigned Merchandise to Seller is monitored and based on reasonable sales receivables

Escrow Account

Seller's receivables pay to a dedicated Escrow Account hosted by a licensed bank, fund movement requires co-authorization


Update Consignment Deal Progress and Profit Sharing Status can be tracked with ATM Exchange Platform and App

Repurchase Obligation

Conditional Obligation for Seller to repurchase unsold merchandise with agreed profit sharing

Reselling Options

Flexible consignment options for unsold merchandise, ATM Exchange may facilitate the sale of unsold items through other channels

Join ATM Exchange today and experience the future of consignment deals - a secure, reliable, and efficient platform that puts your needs first.

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